Version: 5.x


Single-spa offers a CLI for those who prefer autogenerated and managed configurations for webpack, babel, jest, etc. You do not have to use the CLI in order to use single-spa.

The CLI is called create-single-spa (Github link). It is primarily intended for the creation of new projects, but may also be useful for migrating existing projects (especially migrating CRA or frameworkless projects).

Installation and Usage

If you wish to have create-single-spa globally available, run the following in a terminal

npm install --global create-single-spa
# or
yarn global add create-single-spa

Then run the following:


Alternatively, you may use create-single-spa without global installation:

npm init single-spa
# or
npx create-single-spa
# or
yarn create single-spa

This will open up a CLI prompt asking you what kind of project you want to create or update.

CLI arguments

You may pass arguments to create-single-spa like so:

# Different ways of doing the same thing
create-single-spa --framework react
npm init single-spa --framework react
npx create-single-spa --framework react
yarn create single-spa --framework react

Here are the available CLI options:


You may specify which directory create-single-spa runs in through either of the following ways:

# Two ways of doing the same thing
create-single-spa my-dir
create-single-spa --dir my-dir


You can specify which kind of microfrontend you are creating with the --moduleType CLI argument:

create-single-spa --moduleType root-config
create-single-spa --moduleType app-parcel
create-single-spa --moduleType util-module


You can specify which framework you're using with the --framework CLI argument. Note that if you specify a framework that you may omit the --moduleType, as it is inferred to be app-parcel.

create-single-spa --framework react
create-single-spa --framework vue
create-single-spa --framework angular


When generating a root config, the --layout CLI argument indicates that you want to use single-spa-layout in your root config.

Project types

create-single-spa asks you if you'd like to create a single-spa application, a utility module, or a root-config. All three module types assume that you are using the recommended setup.

If you select that you'd like to create a single-spa application, you will be prompted for which framework you'd like to choose. React is implemented with premade configurations for babel + webpack + jest. Angular is implemented with Angular CLI and single-spa-angular. Vue is implemented with Vue CLI and vue-cli-plugin-single-spa.

NPM packages

Within the create-single-spa repo, there are several NPM packages. The following sections document each package:


Github project

The core CLI, which invokes generator-single-spa.


Github project

A Yeoman generator that prompts the user and then creates files. This is primarily invoked via the create-single-spa CLI, but can also be composed if you'd like to customize it.


Github project

A shareable, customizable webpack config that is used for utility modules and single-spa applications.


npm install --save-dev webpack-config-single-spa webpack-merge
# or
yarn add --dev webpack-config-single-spa webpack-merge


const webpackMerge = require('webpack-merge');
const singleSpaDefaults = require('webpack-config-single-spa');
module.exports = webpackConfigEnv => {
const defaultConfig = singleSpaDefaults({
// The name of the organization this application is written for
orgName: 'name-of-company',
// The name of the current project. This usually matches the git repo's name
projectName: 'name-of-project',
// See for explanation of webpackConfigEnv
return, {
// modify the webpack config however you'd like to by adding to this object


Github project

A shareable, customizable webpack config that adds react-specific configuration to webpack-config-single-spa.


npm install --save-dev webpack-config-single-spa-react webpack-merge
# or
yarn add --dev webpack-config-single-spa-react webpack-merge


const webpackMerge = require('webpack-merge');
const singleSpaDefaults = require('webpack-config-single-spa-react');
module.exports = webpackConfigEnv => {
const defaultConfig = singleSpaDefaults({
// The name of the organization this application is written for
orgName: 'name-of-company',
// The name of the current project. This usually matches the git repo's name
projectName: 'name-of-project',
// See for explanation of webpackConfigEnv
return, {
// modify the webpack config however you'd like to by adding to this object


Github project

A shareable, customizable webpack config that adds typescript-specific configuration to webpack-config-single-spa. Note that webpack-config-single-spa-ts has a peerDependency on typescript.


npm install --save-dev webpack-config-single-spa-ts webpack-merge
# or
yarn add --dev webpack-config-single-spa-ts webpack-merge


const webpackMerge = require('webpack-merge');
const singleSpaDefaults = require('webpack-config-single-spa-ts');
module.exports = webpackConfigEnv => {
const defaultConfig = singleSpaDefaults({
// The name of the organization this application is written for
orgName: 'name-of-company',
// The name of the current project. This usually matches the git repo's name
projectName: 'name-of-project',
// See for explanation of webpackConfigEnv
return, {
// modify the webpack config however you'd like to by adding to this object
const singleSpaTs = require('webpack-config-single-spa-ts');
// Alternatively, you may modify a webpack config directly
const myOtherWebpackConfig = {/* ... */}
const finalConfig = singleSpaDefaults.modifyConfig(myOtherWebpackConfig)


Github project

A shareable, customizable webpack config that creates a webpack config that works with both react and typescript. Note that webpack-config-single-spa-react-ts simply merges the config from webpack-config-single-spa-react with that of webpack-config-single-spa-ts.


npm install --save-dev webpack-config-single-spa-react-ts webpack-merge
# or
yarn add --dev webpack-config-single-spa-react-ts webpack-merge


const webpackMerge = require('webpack-merge');
const singleSpaDefaults = require('webpack-config-single-spa-react-ts');
module.exports = webpackConfigEnv => {
const defaultConfig = singleSpaDefaults({
// The name of the organization this application is written for
orgName: 'name-of-company',
// The name of the current project. This usually matches the git repo's name
projectName: 'name-of-project',
// See for explanation of webpackConfigEnv
return, {
// modify the webpack config however you'd like to by adding to this object